SmartPower™ from QT Power is the world’s first hardware and software solution that makes it possible to embed your luxury handbags with on-demand charging power and amazing connectivity, beautifully and seamlessly.
Let us help you carry your bags to a place where artistry meets innovation.
Our super thin, super lightweight SmartPower battery is easily stitched into the lining of your handbags, turning each one into a mobile charging station.
Your customers get to recharge their smartphones and tablets—anytime, anywhere.
You get to retain your leading edge by creating a bag that’s as smart as it is beautiful.
Customers enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing their bag is the genuine article.
You enjoy a money-saving way to ensure that your bag cannot be copied or counterfeited.
Let customers know that your brand is at the forefront of the “Internet of Things” by offering unparalleled connectivity.
Easily keep track of where your bags are in the manufacturing and distribution process.
Transparent technology assures customers who are concerned about ethical manufacturing standards.
Digital Bodyguard makes it impossible for thieves to scan passports or other sensitive documents stowed in your bag.
Find My Bag is a Bluetooth feature that helps your customers track down and pinpoint a lost or stolen bag.
Find out how we can help you open your luxury bags up to a universe of connectivity, power, and sales potential.